
520 journal#2

Find a reading on the topic of creativity that is not in the textbook. Read it and discuss it with someone if possible. In your journal, write about the article and mention the following: the subject, what interested you about this article, what some of the important ideas are, and why you think it is worth reading.

Today I found an interesting article " HOW TO KILL CREATIVITY" written by Teresa Ambile. It seems to eliminate our creativity. However this article only use this title to attract our attention and discuss how managers can activate their employees to be creative.

Firstly I admit I was allured by this intriguing topic. " How to kill creativity" this is not a regular article. Normally , all people's discussions and their attentions are about increasing creativity. And with this special title I am sure there will be a outstanding idea in this essay. However, the author does not illuminate different measurements to kill creativity. But she does list the components of creativity and what kind of qualities a leader should have to enhance other's creativity, which is still helpful a lot.
From the article, I understand that mostly business and creativity are controversy. Although business needs creativity to invent new ideas and products for sales. Meanwhile, the high deficiency and fast work rate usually do not leave employees enough time to think so that their reactivities are gradually being eroded. In this situation the leader's preeminence is crucial in showing how to bring a double-win not only to workers but also to enterprise.

In this article the author mentioned three components of creativity such as motivation, creative thinking skills and expertise. Moreover she also expatiate six skills from manager to widespread creativity, which are challenge, freedom, resources, work-group features, supervisory, encouragement, and organization.

As for my personal experience, it is really appreciated to understand the resources factor about creativity. First of all, time is one of the most important ingredient of resources. Time pressure can heighten creativity because both the time rush and the importance of the work make people concentrate. And with this increasing sense of challenge people will inspire their intrinsic motivation and do a good job. However, manager would kill creativity with fake deadline or too much pressure on employees. In this way, people feel over-controlled and being used which will definitely jeopardize the relationship between boss and fellows or even create the untrustiness and betrayal. Moreover, funds should also be considered in one of the resources. And it is also not that easy to control the balance between sufficiency and deficiency. With less funding, all the creativity such as research or project cannot continues. On the other hand, more financial support does not mean to boost creativity. Without enough inspirations and circumstances, indulging money is just one way of wasting resources. Thus combining all this factors might solves the problem of resource of creativity. Apparently it is not a easy job for manager create a circumstance for all employees and courage them for creativity.

Moreover, when I apprehend this article from different angle. I can still feel inspiration not only on business area. It is the same strategy to goal your target with freedom, challenge, resources, etc. For example, when you finish your work, you still need time to explore further. And all the discoveries or even thinking not listed are all your creativity. And we still need freedom, a freedom of self aspect that can help yourself dig the truth without misleading by someone else. Apparently when we extend this topic, we are not only seeing a strategy about business. We can view the whole structure of creativity and, furthermore , frame a blueprint for ourselves creativity.


The funny photoes in NBA

A:Oh!!!!My leg!! My leg!!
B:Oops! I am sorry. You are so lucky that I already lost 300 pounds.

Where is the ball? Where is the ball? I can't see!!

Buddy, your shoulder is so soft. Can I use it for a while. I didn't sleep well last night

Come on! Don't be shy. Give me a kiss!

Sir, that guy just touched my "stuff"

Hey! Hey! Don't drag my shirt! My tits are coming out!

You like this? I learned it from Bruce Lee.

I give you the ball! I give you everything ! Please don't touch any place else!


520 R Journal #1

Review the first week in reading class
Write about the work you have done so far in the 520 R course. What are your impression of the class? Of your role in the class? What are your impressions of the textbook? What have you learned?

During the last week I am staying at Academic Reading class enjoying this precious moment with my classmates, with my friends and my teacher Eilidh who seems like a six year old child. In these seven days we had fun and we had knowledge. We all laughed and chatted like a big family under this releasing atmosphere, which can easily activate our mind to different angles. We learned the process of fast read, how to summarize and paraphrase, and the way to improve your reading habit. But the thing most interesting part I like in this lesson is the preview written before every class. I never saw it before. But it is good not only because we can comprehend the whole structure of the class but also we can easily take the notice and follow the step of teacher wherever she goes.

As for our roles in class, I expect we should be participants rather than the receivers. Because only attending in every discussion or question&answer, it is possible to accelerate your memory to understand reading skills and wilder yourself or even others' mind which is good for experience with separately aspects.

When we talk about our textbook, there is hardly having complain. I assume the reason suppose that lots of mutual activation and cooperation what the book announces for, which is funny to share your ideas with partner. However, in my opinion, I suggest that the book should emphasize a little bit more about the author's idea rather than out own opinion, which,comparatively, is not that important to absorb knowledge when we are having academic reading. Moreover, from the first chapter, I really appreciate the author's opinion about the highlight and surveying for helping us easier to catch up the main point and overview the whole paragraph as soon as possible.

In this one week study, there are two things I learned with deep impression. The first one is how to deal with fast read. After two exercises and time limit accounting., I know how to preview one article in fifteen seconds and how to speed up my reading rate by reading the chunk , highlight the main idea and ever activating schemata to guess the author's meaning before reading. On the other hand, which is far more interesting, that we can use our blogs to communicate and share our essays. As for my hope, this great idea expressed by this attractive long-distance education will show a giant effect as soon as we start to prepare our essay carefully and provide each other suggestible advice.

Thus, I am surely and fully expecting our class will enjoy more success and more happiness in the next couple of week.


Funnest joke in the world

This is a video about the affect of the funnest joke. Using the documentary expression the director image the Second World War in a different angle because the funnest joke. Plus: this black-and-white video really make me miss Chaplin's movie.

Try it, you will like it


the first and the least

Shall we start with a "R" or a "W"? It doesn't matter, they are both great!
Hi. This is Cha-cha. Please leave the massage in this blog after your computer shutting down.

About Me
Name:English or Chinese?
Weight:Varies all the time before lunch or after
Height: Not related to you
Home:At what stage of my life please be more specific
Phone:Sony Ericsson
Email:Only give to pretty and rich girl
Graduation:Graduated at the wild chicken university Language
Ability:Fluent in bullshits
Hobby:Sleeping and sleep
Personal Experience:Fooling around all the time Marrage:Still looking for a rich and beautiful girl